Mini Storage Tips
Place items near the front that you will need to access frequently.
In larger units, allow space for walkways to reach items in the back of the unit.
Wrap delicate items in bubble wrap or newspaper, and store them in furniture drawers.
When packing toys or smaller objects, remember to fill boxes completely, stuffing open areas with plain newspaper to prevent collapsing when stacked.
Be careful not to store anything combustible (such as paint and chemicals) or perishable (such as food that is not permanently sealed).
Try to use uniform sized boxes for easier stacking and efficient use of space.
Place your heaviest items in the bottom of the boxes so they will be less likely to tip over.
Drain any fluids from lawn and garden equipment to avoid corrosive damage.
Use trash cans to store outdoor tools such as shovels, hoes and rakes.
Always use high quality locks on your unit.
When storing delicate heirlooms, use specially constructed boxes, such as wardrobe boxes.
Store items carefully on boards or pallets as all concrete floors can become damp at times.
Cover mattresses and store them flat on level surfaces.
Cover any stuffed furniture with a dust cover.
Store small items in large appliances, such as stoves or refrigerators.
Break down items (such as table legs) and store large furniture (like tabletops and sofas) on end to save space.
Use protective covers and treat wood surfaces before storing.
Clean furniture, boxes and the storage unit of all food and perishables.
Label all boxes for ease in locating your things in the future. Labeling on all 4 sides can be beneficial also.